Fixed bugs:
-The rocker jacket is not wearable
- Show needed workshop in reciept
- Metal fence is transparent (Cemetery Santhnor East)
- Music volume changeable
- Tooltip for items in inventory
- Tooltip for the buttons
- Reallife clock
- Available TAB-key in login screen
- Tooltip for character attributes
- View angle of the camera should be fixed
- In the windmill (Ligaria) is grasswading through the buttom
- On entering the chat the character is still moving
- Using the bugreporter activates chat and moves character
- Steps in the stables (Nurimon) can not moved up
- Scalable character window
- Right click centers the mouse
- UIs should be closed by pressing ESC
- Breath UI did not despawning if breath is refilled
- Close game via UI
- Stairs can only be used in runnning in the tree house (Ligaria)
- Falling / running in the sky / falling damage
- collision on invisible branches on maple tree